Friday, 19 March 2010

Budgets & Health and Safety

Today we had a session on Budget and Health & Safety within the media. Our specific objective was make up artists working on the next avatar movie because instead of doing it all in a computerised format they want to use actors and do it all free hand. We had to work out what objects they would need and how much they would cost to use or buy to last 10 years. Also we had to work out how much the make up artist's wages would cost. Here are some examples that we came up with: Equipment - lighting - £20,000 , Paint make up - £5000
Next we had to think of health and safety elements for example: Vaccinations, sun block if filming in hot place.

Commission Project Budgeting
We have found out budgets for our products by doing a quote on a website called

The budget for our Booklets is: £65.46
The budget for our bookmarks is:
Net: 67.81 +VAT: 11.87 = Gross: 79.68
I think here I was an effective particapator and a reflective learner as we had to engage in a group disscussion as well as learn and right about the things we learnt.

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