Friday, 26 March 2010

Technology / Techniques used in this project

In this project i have used many techniques, here are a list of them:
  • On the text i have used effects such as Drop shadow, Bevel and Emboss, Stroke and shadow. These are the main ones on text.
  • I have used the Elliptical marquee tool to cut out pictures in a circle to use in my bookmark.
  • Also lots of creative text.
  • I edited the pictures to improve the colour and tone of the picture.
  • For the pictures in the booklet I put them onto a white background then flattened the image and used the Rectangular marquee tool to cut them out and stick them on the booklet design.
  • I used a drop shadow and stroke to give the picture the effect of being printed out of a Polaroid camera.
  • I used a tool on the Mac keyboard to cut out a section of the map I wanted.
These are the only pieces of technology I have used:
Digital camera
Digital SLR camera
USB lead (to download the pictures on to computers.)
Apple Mac computer
Windows computer
USB memory stick

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